From the President...

Dear Boston Illini,


Since 2017, we have been working to formally revive the University of Illinois Alumni Club of Boston and New England - your Boston Illini Club! With many bumps along the way, we are finally on firm ground. Provisional bylaws are in place, club elections will be happening soon, and we are in for a great year of Illini sports and witnessing all of the amazing changes, discoveries, and memories being made at our alma mater.


Each of us have different stories of how we came to the Hub of the Universe and New England - some folks were born and raised here, others followed their academic and professional pursuits to the city and its environs, and still some just knew they belonged in New England. But we all share a common bond as graduates and friends of the University of Illinois. Be it the common class in Foellinger Auditorium, gamedays cheering on the Illini in-person or on TV, or a shared memory from PAR, the “Six Pack,” or in Greek life, our experiences at Illinois transcend generations.




We hope you can join us at any of our upcoming events. As the Boston Illini Club continues to take shape, we hope to be more than just a group watching Illini football and basketball games. This club is an opportunity to make friends, discover new passions, give back to the University, and make new memories.


Thank you for finding us, and we look forward to meeting you soon.

Alex J. Villaueva, LAS Class of 2017


